The current mood of cthuluminion79@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Monday, August 30, 2004

Late Night Review

I am still here. I just don't post as often as I would like too. Ah well. It is now sleep time.

To end this reading of the Gospel According to Zekius Maximus, I leave you with this:
"I believe in equal quality! Equality!" Zeke

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Sunday Afternoon Boredom

So I am just sitting here in my apartment very bored. My roommate Megan has gone home till like the 25th of this month. This past week, I have really only been at the apartment to sleep. It feels too lonely to just sit here. I don't know why, because Megan only stayed here for like three days before she left. I didn't think that I would get that used to her presence that quickly. We used to live on the same floor of Cambridge Hall, but I don't know. The place just feels lonely and empty. So to get out today, I might go see Alien Vs. Predator. Later, I might go to this local bar to hear a really rocking duo named Erik and Dhru. I saw them last Wednesday when Tony and I just needed to get out and do something. In my personal scale, they rank right under the Country Devils. But that ranking might change as I see more of them and hear more of their music. I also want to take some pictures of my new place. When I finally get around to that, I will post some links to those pics here.

Zekius's Hymn of the Moment: "Bound for the Floor" - Local H

To end this reading of the Gospel According to Zekius Maximus, I leave you with this:
"I am full of tinier men!" The Living Doll, The Tick Animated Series

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Time for an update

Not much to say here. Just a quick post to let you all know that I am still alive. The new contact info in the apartment can be requested either through IM or e-mail. Those who want it, just drop me a line.

Zekius's Hymn of the Moment: "Tommy the Cat," Primus

To end this reading of the Gospel According to Zekius Maximus, I leave you with this:
"And we are chock full of that." Raoul Duke, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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