The current mood of cthuluminion79@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Friday, August 03, 2007

can't believe this thing still exists!

Friday, April 28, 2006

For some reason I am sad tonight.

I am regretting the loss of the college-era Zeke. At some point, unbeknownst to me, that Zeke transformed into Responsible Mike. When did this happen? I don't belong in this real world. I crave the fantasy realm of Frostburg State University. A land where alcohol flowed in rivers down from Main Street to Cambridge Hall to form a magical pool. Where Zeke, the local Bacchus, frolicked to the lilting strains of an invisible pan flute. Where all the nubile nymphs and satyrs joined in with the overweight deity in his unrestrained joyous reel. A land where disease and illness could not touch the immortal flower of youth. Where Zeke did not worry about money for smokes. Where smoking still held a glimmer of enjoyment. A land where the laws of Man did not penetrate the leaves of the glade. Where the nightly bout of Counterstrike brought smiles to all our faces. Where Drama Ahhhhhhh!!!! did not rend and tear our fellowship apart. A special time of camaraderie that now looms far distant down the halls of my memories.

Time spent there seems a blissful blink. Six years that passed swiftly down the current of life's river. So much flotsam and jetsam to be pondered over at some far away point. Maybe not so far away. Am I looking at the broken idyllic dreams of my youth? Has the overindulgence of the Low Side brought me to this point? Scattered away from friends that still mean so much to me? Kept apart by the shackles and chains of responsibility?

What force is this that stops me from flying to Frostburg? To Milwaukee? East to friends just as important?

Have I discovered the doldrums of adulthood too early?

Should I have burnt myself out early, rather than face this slow fading away which I feel tonight?

I feel like I am waiting for Pan to fly into my room. Waiting for something that will take me back to where I feel I should never have left.
Am I left staring into a past that I have built up to mean more than it does?
I feel like that old man in Hook. Looking for my happy thought. Looking for my marbles.
Will I find them? Can I find them on my current path?

I need to find that second star to the right. And go straight on till morning.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Time for an Update!

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Iron Man
Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

Zekius's Hymn of the Moment:"Tank!" - Yoko Kanno

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